Unleash Your Inner Hero:
A Journey to



Sr Partner,
Rose Group Intl.

Julie is an inspired and inspiring teacher. Once Julie helped me understand the journey, I could better manage my own path and have more compassion for others.

Julie Bouché

Certified Yoga Therapist

Are you ready to embark on an adventure of transformation that heals your body, mind, and spirit?

Tired of chasing the next quick fix? Our world is filled with fragmented solutions that address symptoms, not the root cause.

I believe in a different approach: a biopsychosocial model that weaves together the wisdom of Eastern practices with the best of Western medicine.


  • Feeling vibrant energy that courses through your entire being.
  •  Moving with pain-free ease and newfound flexibility.
  • Managing stress and anxiety with effortless calm.
  •  Cultivating a deep sense of purpose and direction in life.

Together, we'll go through a journey of self-discovery with these steps:

In-Depth Assessment

We'll delve deep to understand your health history, goals, and any challenges you're facing.



I'll create a custom program incorporating practices that resonate with you, from yoga postures and breathwork to self-care rituals, mindset shifts, and lifestyle changes.



Our journey is collaborative. I'll be your guide and cheerleader, providing support and accountability every step of the way.

About Julie

I’m Julie Bouché, a Certified Yoga Therapist, Author, Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, Somatic Practitioner, Journey Coach, and Lifestyle Medicine Coach. But more than just a collection of titles, I'm your guide on a unique path to well-being.

My Approach: A Marriage of East and West

I don't offer a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, I create a personalized roadmap based on your unique needs and goals.

Here's what sets me apart:

  • Biopsychospiritual Model : We'll explore the interconnectedness of your physical body, mind, emotions, and spirit.
  • Eastern Wisdom : Ancient practices from yoga, Ayurveda, and Qigong provide powerful tools for healing and growth.
  • Western Techniques : I integrate evidence-based practices from somatic therapy, polyvagal theory, and lifestyle medicine for lasting results.
  • The Hero's Journey (My Unique Version) : Drawing on my clinical experience, I've crafted a personalized hero's journey framework to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your full potential.

Who is this program for?

  • Are you tired of feeling stuck?
  • Do you crave a life filled with vitality and purpose?
  • Are you ready to embrace a holistic approach to well-being?
  • Do you deal with chronic physical, mental, or emotional issues?
  • Are you looking for an alternative to traditional therapies?

If you answered yes, then this program is for you.

Angela N.

Before I met with Julie, I was feeling so lost and alone. Even though my circumstances have not changed at all, I am feeling like I am centered and have everything that I need to tackle the challenges I'm facing. I feel empowered to see my situation differently and make choices that bring me the peace and happiness that I was so desperately needing. 

Kelly S.

I’ve found working with Julie to be a delight, like talking with an old/new friend.  She’s given me the tools to tap into my body when I’m feeling lost or confused about something I’m experiencing and provided a safe space to reflect on and accept the emotions that come up.


I feel so blessed to have found Julie. Julie provides a wonderful space where I feel heard and understood. We connected right away and every time I see her I discover powerful things about myself that take me to the next level of understanding. I am so grateful for Julie. She is amazing, wise, kind, knowledgeable and just being in her presence is healing.

Invest in Yourself: The Gift of Wholeness

This program is not just about feeling better; it's about becoming the healthiest, most vibrant version of yourself. It's an investment in your physical and mental well-being, your emotional resilience, and your capacity to live a life filled with purpose.

Ready to begin your hero's journey? Schedule a free consultation today and let's discuss how I can help you reach your goals.

Don't wait another day to start feeling your best. Schedule a call to get started right away. The adventure awaits!